Toddler Classroom

A woman reading from a book and showing it to children,

The goal of our toddler program is to provide a comfortable and safe environment that promotes your child’s growth and to create and develop each child socially, emotionally, and academically.

Our Role as Teachers

Since toddlers learn primarily through sensory exploration, our role as teachers is to prepare a wide variety of interest areas and activities that stimulate their emerging physical, cognitive and social skills. Everyday your toddler will have opportunities to exercise their muscles, large and small; to explore art and sensory materials; to engage in dramatic play; to practice problem solving skills; to sing and dance to music; to listen to stories, and socialize with others.

Our Daily Routines

Our daily routines also provide numerous opportunities for learning. As toddlers learn to manage their spoon/fork at lunch time, put on their own shoes and jackets for outdoor play, pull down their training pants to use the potty, and put the toys on the shelf at clean-up time, they are developing very important self-help skills during this “I can do it myself!” stage of development.

In our classroom, we value the diversity of the families we serve. We encourage families to come in and read a story, create a craft with the children, sing songs or share an area of interest with us. Our goal is to create a community between families, other classrooms and us.